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Most Annoying and Distracting things Coworkers do | Survey Results

So you have a sorted workday, an updated calendar, and a prioritized to-do list for the day.

And there comes Mr. Whiner to immerse you in his troubled life stories. Thanks to him, your next one hour now will go down the drain.

Sometimes your biggest office distractions aren’t your social media obsession and your frequent tea-breaks. They are the people with whom you spend your workdays - your coworkers.

For example, to name a few, these could be- the blabbers, the pen clickers, the foot tappers, the knuckle crackers, the cubicle invaders. We all have dealt with such coworkers who drive you up the wall.

These people are among us. Or worse, these could be us.

Paychex did a survey of what the most distracting work behaviors are, here's what made the top ones. Some of them might surprise you and others might not surprise you at all. The important note here is… DON’T DO IT.

Annoying Colleagues, Annoying Coworker, Irritating colleagues, Irritating coworkers, irritating things at work, annoying things at work, workplace disturbance, Office people, irritating behavior at office, annoying things people do at office infographic, Irritating things at office infographic, Disturbance at office infographic, Office distractions

So, what’s your story? There might be other work behaviors that peeves you to the core but haven’t made it to the list. What are they? Do share your thoughts in the comment section.


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