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Because servants also need a work culture

Do we crib about our office, manager, company culture?

Well, there are times when we face problems, we get worried, sometimes we bitch, sometimes we wail…

Let’s take a simple example which most of the working professionals can relate to:

If we take a “not previously declared” leave and our boss goes all grim and crass, how do we take it?

Most of us start thinking of our boss as some demon who is wearing a thick skin of apathy and cruelty.

But there comes a stark contrast when we build a work culture for our maids/servants.

How do we behave to our maids/ servants when they do the same? Do we want to understand that they also have a life, family or personal priorities? Do these things trigger our mind?

A lot of us reiterate the preconceived notion “these people are like this only, you can’t trust them. I will deduct money from her salary.”

Salary deduction! We keep on reminding them the fallout of taking unplanned leaves.

What if our company would have done the same to us? Mostly it would have gone two ways.

First, if we have the balls to be vocal about the unprofessional behavior, we might have discussed it with the boss.

Second, we would have started looking for another job, put down papers when we get another
opportunity, serve the notice period and move.

But when due to any reasons we want to discontinue the services of servant, do we give them notice period? Well, a lot of us don’t? Many people shoot this “I am firing you, don’t come from tomorrow” bomb when giving them salary of previous month.

Why we didn’t inform them earlier? The reason surprises me even more.

The reason is – “had I told her earlier, she would have left my house before month end and I didn’t have any other resource or helping hand to run chores. Therefore, I need to fire her when I really don’t need her”.

And when asked about how he/she will manage? “Well, there are plenty of houses; plenty of jobs; she will easily get another job.”

Wow! Why are we so hypocrite?
domestic help, work culture at home, how to treat house servants, work rules for servants

Do we ever want our company to fire us just like that, no notice period, and no extra money to cover for the losses?

Let us give some humanity back to the society. God blessed us to lead a life where we can have servants at our disposal. Let’s not forget they are not any less of a human than we are. 

Let’s make this world a better place and more livable for them.

Let’s create the same work culture for them which we expect from our organization.


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